Friday, October 17, 2014

A sign of Fall

Jonathan apples from Missouri via the Louisburg cider mill.
What to do with all those apples before they go bad?  Time to peel and dry them. any excess that won't fit in the dehydrator will get sauced.  I think I will have about 3 more full 6-tray batches to dry.  I hope I have enough freezer tubs for the excess applesauce.
One large box of Jonathan apples #2 grade.
Monkeys hard at work, making apple strings to eat (or dry!)
The peeler didn't remove all the peel, but that's OK.
Hey ma, dog loves apple! Please!


  1. Oh I bet your kitchen smells so good. Love the happy face at the bottom:) Hug B

  2. Excess food! I'll be right over.

  3. My favorite thing is apples! When will they be ready? [lol] I love them baked, raw, or anyway one can think of. Our big dog, Lucy (boxer), loved apples too. She even ate the core. The little dogs don't. Big dogs are much more fun.
    Luv ~:)

  4. Every time I eat my apple, Moon waits for me to share too! Love those peeler/corers!!...:)JP

  5. Really? Your dog wants some apple?? cool.

    They look wonderful!

  6. Wish I was there to try some!

  7. The pies came out very tasty! I got lazy with the dried apples though and quit peeling them. I like em with the skin on any way.

    And yes, some dogs love apples! Indy loves them, and bananas too, just like my dear Charlie used to do.


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